Sewage systems play a crucial role in maintaining public health and environmental well-being. However, the efficient functioning of these systems relies heavily on regular maintenance. In this article, we will explore the significance of maintaining sewage systems through a comprehensive overview, covering common issues, benefits of regular maintenance, steps for effective upkeep, and the latest … Read more


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What is Evapotranspiration | Factors Affecting Evapotranspiration

  1. What is Evapotranspiration?

    Evapotranspiration is defined as the total amount of water used by the planets in transpiration and evaporation from adjacent soils, at any specified time.

    Generally, it is the sum of evaporation and transpiration from the ground surface to the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration is also called Consumptive Use.

  2. Why Evapotranspiration is important?

    The evapotranspiration process is important for the water cycle process of the earth. The evapotranspiration process is the combined process of evaporation and transpiration, which means the forming of clouds, humidity, vapor in the atmosphere, etc. depends on evapotranspiration.

    As per the research, the Evapotranspiration process is responsible for 15% to 20% of the atmosphere’s water vapor.

    This means if the evapotranspiration process not happened, so there is no rainfall because without water vapor input how clouds are formed, and, if clouds not formed so there is no precipitation.

    that is the simple reason, why Evapotranspiration is important.

  3. Difference between Evaporation and Evapotranspiration?

    Evaporation is a process in which water converts from liquid to gaseous form that is vapor due to high temperature.
    Evaporation in evapotranspiration is referred to as the water evaporated from ocean, river, lake, ponds, soil, wetlands, standing water, etc.
    Evapotranspiration is the combined process of evaporation and transpiration

  4. What is Evapotranspiration rate?

    Evapotranspiration rate is the ratio of the amount of water evaporated from cropped area to per unit water depth.

    Evapotranspiration is expressed in millimeters (mm).

  5. What Instrument is used to measure evapotranspiration?

    Lysimeters and Field plots are used to measure Evapotranspiration.

  6. What are the factors affecting evapotranspiration?

    The factors affecting evapotranspiration are given below.
    1. Meteorological Factor
    2. Density of vegetation
    3. Soil Moisture
    4. stage of plant growth
    5. Adjoining Land
    6. Surface of leaves

  7. How is Evapotranspiration is calculated?

    Evapotranspiration can be measured with the help of Phytometer.
    Phytometer method:
    T = (M1-M)+M2

    M1 = Initial mass of the instrument
    M2 = Final mass of the instrument
    M = Total mass of water added during full growth of the plant.
    T = Loss due to Transpiration


Evapotranspiration ppt download free


Evapotranspiration defines as the sum of evaporation and transpiration.

Evaporation:- evaporation is the process in which water changes to a gaseous form.

Transpiration:- transpiration is defined as the process in which decreasing moisture content from tree leaf and plant due to the heat of the sun.


factor affecting evapotranspiration

  1. temperature
  2. Climatic factor
  3. the moisture of plant
  4. humidity
  5. growth of the plant
  6. soil moisture and etc.
evpotranspiration ppt
evapotranspiration two sub process
types of evapotranspiration
lysimeter apprutus
What is Evapotranspiration | Factors Affecting Evapotranspiration

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