Benefits of Google Earth for Civil Engineering

In this article, we are going to explain the various benefits of Google Earth in civil engineering works such as for surveying works, roads and highways works, water distribution works, bridge works, etc.

In every construction projects, it is very difficult to obtain perfect datas of construction site as well as latest landscape maps with proper detailing such as location of buildings, roads, village, trees, rivers, lake, mountains, etc.

Google Earth for Civil Engineering

Google Earth is very useful to obtain such datas easily that is time and energy saving for every project.

Nowadays, Google Earth is also very important software for civil engineers as compare to Civil 3D, Midas, Revit, AutoCAD, etc.

Construction site in google earth

Google Earth software is a one type of geographic information systems that is used to obtain a geo-profile and environment condition of construction site.

Google Earth is mostly used for infrastructure projects such as bridge, roads, highway, railways, culverts, canals alignment, water distribution system, gardening, irrigation projects, etc.

Initial site planning become very difficult without visualisation. Google Earth provide a latest construction s toite data with actual surrounding environment that is help to boost the visualisation about construction sites. Means, Google Earth is helpful for site planning, project planning as well as resources planning.

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Benefits of Google Earth for Civil Engineering

The advantages of Google Earth in civil engineering works are listed below.

  • Google Earth is used to locate construction site with surrounding Structures and environment.
  • It is used to measure distance between any locations.
Distance measurements in google earth

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  • It is used to measure perimeter of particular sites.
  • It is used to measure Area of construction site.
Area measurements in google earth

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  • It is used to obtain the elevation of any object with reference to mean sea levels.
Elevation of location in Google Earth

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  • Google Earth is used to obtain longitude and latitude coordinates of any object.
  • Google Earth is used in construction works for initial site planning.
  • It is used to obtain earthworks quantity of area.
  • It is used to draw alignment of roads, highway, railways, canals, bridge on map.
  • It is used to open Kamz file for exact location.
  • It is used to create surveying datas.
  • It is used to obtain site levels for elevation and section purposes.
  • Google Earth provide 3d maps that is helpful for site visualisation.
3d visualisation of site in google earth

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  • Its save time, energy, and money.
  • Easy to use.

These are the few main benefits of Google Earth software in civil engineering as par our experience.

I hope you like this post and share with your friends.

1 thought on “Benefits of Google Earth for Civil Engineering”

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