What is Steel Slag Road Technology

In this article, we share the information of steel slag and its uses in roads such as what it is, why to use it in road, how to use steel slag in road, steel slag highway construction examples, etc.

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The uses of steel slag in road & highway is one of the biggest achievement for the shri Narendra Modi ji mission “Waste to Wealth”. Steel Slag Road technology was developed by CSIR (Counsil of Scientific and Industrial Research) & CRRI (Central Road Research Institute).

The main motive behind this technology is to reuse the waste to create wealth or reduce the cost of construction. At present, steel slag road technology is the best suitable innovation in roads & highway by reducing 25% to 30% of construction cost keeping same durability and stability.

Also, the steel slag is best alternative of natural aggregate which is commonly used in road construction with better material properties.

What is Steel Slag

Slag is a by product of steel, produced when molten steel is separated from impurities by Steel Furnace Process. Slag is mainly a mixture of metal oxides and silicon oxides.

It is very hard and durable byproduct similar to natural aggregate but the hardness of steel slag is more as compare to aggregate. On Mohs hardness scale, steel slag as value of 6 or more while the hardness value of granite is 4.

The other properties of slag is also mostly similar to natural aggregate, such as shape, hardness, size, abrasion resistance, skid resistance and other physical properties. That’s Why it is now going to become best alternative of natural aggregate in construction industry.

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What is Steel Slag Road Technology

What is Steel Slag Road Technology

Steel Slag Road Technology is a method of road construction in which natural aggregates are replaced by processed steel slag aggregates. The uses of steel slag aggregate in construction of roads helps engineers to reduce the cross-sectional depth of roads as well as increase the stability and durability of roads.

Steel Slag Road Technology was developed by CSIR & CRRI. This road technology is 20% to 30% cheaper than conventional road construction method. Also, the uses of waste steel slag in road construction promote the india’s mission of “waste to wealth”.

Advantages of Steel Slag Road

  • This construction method is a eco-friendly way to manage the industrial waste.
  • It is cost effective as compare to conventional construction method. This construction 30% cheaper than normal road construction.
  • Uses of steel slag reduce the reliance on natural resources such as natural ballast and aggregates.
  • Reduction in landfills of solid waste.
  • It is stronger than conventional construction which helps to increase the durability and stability of roads
  • Carbon footprints in this construction method is lower than conventional method.
  • Uses of this method promote the india’s “waste to wealth mission”.

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Disadvantages of Steel Slag Roads

  • Low Tensile Strength
  • Not suitable for Bridges
  • Aesthetically unappealing

Steel Slag Roads and Highway construction in India

Hazira, Surat

Surat was the first city of India for construction of road using steel slag. It is a part of a joint-venture project by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), Union Ministry of Steel, government think-tank NITI Ayog, and ArcelorMittal-Nippon Steel (AM/NS), at Hazira.

Surat Steel Slag Road Construction

This project includes the six (06) lane, 1 to 1.5 kilometre road at Hazira industries for public use. According to CRRI, this road construction is 30% cheaper than normal natural aggregate road while the cross sectional depth is also 30% less.

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Mumbai-Goa National Highway (NH66)

A four lane, 1 Kilometre of road constructed on Indapur-Panvel Section of NH-66 Mumbai-Goa by JSW Using Steel Slag Aggregate. It uses approx. 80,000 tons of steel slag aggregate from JSW Steel Dolvi Plant in Raigad.

Mumbai Goa National Highway Steel Slag Road Construction

Accordingly, CSIR-CRRI Project Leader, the road constructed approx 28% less thickness as compared to normal road while the cost of construction is 32% cheaper than conventional method.


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